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What we believe as a church
God is wrathful sovereign just and merciful. David’s Confusing Finish (2 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 21)0:00/0:001× Download audio Manuscript (PDF)...
David's life shows us that God is committed to his people, even when we fall short of who we should be. A sermon from 2 Samuel 23:1-7 God’s Commitment to His Household (2 Samuel 23:1-7)0:00/0:001× Download audio Manuscript (PDF)...
Never underestimate the power of sin, our ability to rationalize sin, or the consequences of sin. But never underestimate God’s grace. Never Underestimate Sin or Grace (2 Samuel 11-12)0:00/0:001× Download audio Manuscript (PDF)...
God takes the initiative in providing what we need. We simply respond. Who Builds Whose House? (2 Samuel 7)0:00/0:001× Download audio Manuscript (PDF)...