- Arrive at 2:30
- Set up mics, cables, etc. per scheduled band on Planning Center.
- Set up keyboard (if the band needs it)
- Power on FOH Mixer
- Switch on the Power Bar beside Subwoofer on Stage (this powers everything on stage all at once)
- Line check each input used to ensure it is working prior to band arrival.
- Set up and line check Podium Microphone. Set up music stand.
- Ensure all cables are run neatly, and anything not needed is removed from stage.
- Insert USB key into FOH mixer to prep for recording. Format on SQ.
- Ensure streaming camera is charged, move into position at the front of the middle block of seats
- Prep wireless mic for speaker (including charged batteries)
- Complete sound check with band and other speakers.
- Play iPod shuffle for entrance music after sound check is complete.
- Start USB recording
- Do an excellent job. If unsure how, consult knowledgeable sound tech for training.
After Service
- Play iPod shuffle music
- Stop USB recording, give it to Darryl
- Put away stage mics in drawer at stage rack
- Put away wireless mics in drawer at FOH rack
- Put away the streaming camera and charge it
- Do a general stage and FOH clean up for next user
- Play music until about 6:00pm or until most people have left
- Switch off power bar beside subwoofer
- Save your scene if desired and switch off FOH board
- Switch off projector and computer monitor if they were left on
Reference Pictures
