I’m excited about what lies ahead for Liberty Grace Church.
On Sunday, September 24 at 4 p.m., we celebrate our tenth anniversary as a church. We are hoping to celebrate some baptisms. It will also mark my final Sunday as pastor, a bittersweet moment for me. If you’re able to join us that Sunday, we’d love to see you.
From October to December, Pete Blundell will serve as interim preacher. Pete is a good friend of the church. He previously served as pastor of St. John’s / Light on the Hill in Richmond Hill. We’re so excited to have him.
Next January, Dwayne Cline will start as interim preacher, and is booked to continue until the end of April. Dwayne pastored James North Baptist Church in Hamilton from 1995 until recently. He has a heart for the city, and is a gifted leader and preacher. We’re thrilled to have him.
We rejoice in God’s provisions. I’m so grateful for the elders, who continue to provide solid leadership to Liberty Grace Church. Please pray for continued growth and provision for our church.
Lately, we’ve really had a front-row seat to what God is doing. He’s working in so many people’s lives. Our hearts are full. Some conversations I had this week reminded me of how much God is at work.
A couple of more updates.
Last Sunday, we held a campfire after our evening service by the lake in Trillium Park. It was a lot of fun.

This past week, we took out our new ice cream bike into the community and gave away hundreds of ice creams. Our goal is to strike up conversations with people. Half take the ice cream without any question, but the rest ask who we are, and sometimes that leads to a good conversation about the gospel. Please pray for us as we do this more often.

God is on the move. We’re grateful for your prayers. Please keep praying for Liberty Grace Church in this time of transition.
With my sincerest thanks,