It is a privilege for Liberty Grace Church to be part of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists (FEB) Church Planting Movement—a movement committed to making disciples and establishing gospel-centered churches. We thank God for using Darryl and Charlene Dash to plant Liberty Grace Church, faithfully responding to His call to reach Liberty Village with the good news of Jesus. Their obedience reminds us that church planting is not just about starting a community but about responding to God's call to make disciples and grow in His Word. This week, we are excited to welcome Bechara Karkafi, FEB Central Church Planting Director, as he exhorts us to the mission God has called us to. May we continue to step forward in faith, making disciples and strengthening His Church for His glory!

Join us this Sunday at 4 PM at 31 Atlantic Avenue, and after the service, we’ll share a time of fellowship together.

NB: We will not have the baptism service this week. The baptism service is scheduled on 30th March 2025.



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