Message: "The First Gospel (Genesis 3)" from Nathan Kapteyn
The First Gospel (Genesis 3)0:00/0:001× Download audio Manuscript (PDF)...
The First Gospel (Genesis 3)0:00/0:001× Download audio Manuscript (PDF)...
The church has a responsibility to take sin seriously, and to call one another to a deeper commitment to follow, and worship Christ. The Problem of Complacency (1 Corinthians 5)0:00/0:001× Download audio Manuscript (PDF)...
Viewing our life through the lens of the Gospel should cause us to live our life through the wisdom of the Gospel...
Here are some practical tips as well as some ideas to prepare your heart to read the Bible in 40 days.
When you read that title, for most of us, the first thought in our heads is “that’s impossible”! And for some of us, the next thought might be “through God, all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26)! Okay, probably that was not your next thought. But that’s the...
"It is not good for the man to be alone." Right from the beginning of the world, God declares the very not-goodness of a human in isolation. It was not enough for Adam to have animals to care for and land to cultivate. He was created in the...