Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Liberty Grace Church in Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.

Check out our recent content
Darryl Dash

Space at the Table

What happens when an evangelical theologian and his gay son sit down to talk about issues that have threatened to destroy their relationship?

Darryl Dash

7 Myths About Singleness

According to Sam Allberry, we get singleness wrong. We often believe that singleness is the lack of something: lack of intimacy, family, or meaningful ministry. He's written this book to help us understand what the Bible says about being single.

Darryl Dash

Divine Sex

Divine Sex a helpful look at why we think about sex the way we do, and how we can reshape our thinking so that it’s more Christian.

Message: "Sexual Brokenness" from Darryl Dash

Our culture’s vision for sexual flourishing is bankrupt, and we are all sexually broken, and yet we serve a God who’s eager to forgive and repair our broken sexuality. Sexual Brokenness0:00/0:001× Download audio Manuscript (PDF)...

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