God Is Working
Jim and Sue are new residents in Liberty Village, and they've been attending Liberty Grace Church since last Fall. I asked them to write about what they see God doing, and they sent me this:
God is working and very present at Liberty Grace Church. My husband Jim and I have been attending regularly since the beginning of September.
We've made a list of where we see God working:
- 2 Bible study Grace Groups were started. Both are every Tuesday at 7 pm. right here in Liberty Village. We are in a group of 14 people.
- 3 people baptized: Harold, Michelle and Jared
- New people checking out Liberty Grace every week
- Successful outreach project for Toronto refugees through a free Christmas concert hosted by Liberty Grace Church.
- Money donated at year end was 70% of our deficit. We had specifically prayed for God to provide for us. It was wonderful to see weekly progress!
- Church Service today Jan 17th we had over 35 in attendance. An extra tray of communion cups was needed.
- Our main door was repaired this past week and our ceiling lighting has improved 100%.
- We had a church clean up and reorganize yesterday. Many dedicated volunteers made it happen. We even found a huge white sign for advertising Liberty Grace Church which is now outside and very visible.
- We have a computer monitor in the window facing Liberty Street telling people all about Liberty Grace Church.
We have been praying for Liberty Grace as a Church to grow and reach out into our community. We see it happening!
"Nothing is impossible with God"
We have been welcomed, have made new Christian friends and feel God calling us to serve. We see the passion and love of God through Darryl and Nathan and their families. It's contagious and we are thankful to be a part of it.
In Him,
Jim and Sue Lockington
We're grateful for Jim and Sue, and for what God is doing.
Baby Shower
The Toronto Star recently published an article on the growing number of families in Liberty Village. We're excited to see more baby strollers and this new community. We were also excited to hold a baby shower for one of our own on January 12, and we're looking forward to the first baby born in our church's life.
Please pray for Jamison, who heads our children's ministry, and for our ministry to kids.
Thank You, and Praise God
As mentioned above, we faced a significant deficit at the end of last year. We are so thankful that donations came to cover 70% of that deficit. We are so thankful to all who gave, and to God for providing so generously through his people.
God Answers; We Respond
We see new people coming almost every week. We are in the community building relationships and looking for ways to serve. We are planning a vision retreat with key leaders as we look to the future.
We've been praying, God has been answering, and now it's our time to respond. We invite you to consider becoming a financial partner in our ministry, and to pray for us.
Keep in Touch
- Email me
- Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
- Check us out at GoodNewsTO.ca or libertygrace.ca
- Visit us one Sunday at 4 PM
We'd love to hear from you and see you.